English language

Eight Grade Exam - English language

from 299,00 PLN /per month

Grade: 8th grade of primary school

Max. of 12 students per group

Course runs during the school year

90-minute lessons

Course goal: preparation for the exam

Program developed by methodologists

Why Will Your Child Love This Course?

A solid review of material for the eighth-grade English exam. The course consists of weekly, one-and-a-half-hour online sessions conducted 100% live by qualified teachers. The classes are based on a specially developed educational program, created according to the detailed guidelines of the Central Examination Commission.

During the lessons, students engage in practical exercises and learn exam techniques and specific tips. We offer the opportunity to take a mock exam as part of the course and practice with real exam papers. Weekly, one-and-a-half-hour live online sessions are led by experienced teachers, ensuring thorough preparation for the exam.

What skills do we practice?

Eight Grade Exam course is an English course for students preparing for the actual Eighth Grade Exam. The course is designed for those who want to study at home and who are interested in developing the skills necessary to write the exam at the highest possible level. The course program assumes the introduction, consolidation and practical practice of the material corresponding to the core curriculum for the eighth grade and the CKE requirements.

icon.svgComprehensive theoretical and practical preparation for the eighth grade exam.

icon.svgRepetition of the material that is sure to appear on the eighth grade exam.

icon.svgWork on actual exam worksheets.

icon.svgUse of knowledge in secondary school English lessons.

Specially developed textbook

A textbook prepared with student's needs in mind, supporting the learning process and providing support for independent work.


Still hesitating?

Check out the power of a trial lesson!

Ilustracja podkreśla nowoczesne metody edukacji w erze cyfrowej, oferując jakościowe i dostosowane do potrzeb użytkownika rozwiązania edukacyjne dostępne na naszej platformie.

What can I expext from a trial lesson?

Most of all, it's FREE

It takes place without unnecessary paperwork and without obligation. Check the quality of lessons at home and make a risk-free decision. Regardless of age and location - you have access to up-to-date knowledge. Don't put off your dreams for later. Sign up!

Get a free trial lesson

The free trial lesson is 100% full-featured.

This means that it lasts as long as a standard course class. It contains substantive knowledge provided by a specialist in his field. Set your sights on development! Choose a convenient date, any course and join now.

Kolorowa i innowacyjna ilustracja, która odzwierciedla najnowsze trendy w projektowaniu graficznym. Wykonana z dbałością o detale, stanowi idealne uzupełnienie treści na naszej stronie, przyciągając uwagę użytkowników i zwiększając zaangażowanie.


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Student and teacher, the perfect duo in the Tutore world

Our team of qualified tutors is committed to maximizing the needs and expectations of every student. We strive to make classes not only effective, but also interesting, interactive and fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the course intended for?
The course is aimed at 8th-grade students who are taking the state eighth-grade English exam, as well as those who want to solidify and reinforce their exam knowledge.
What topics will be covered in the course?
The course covers the curriculum topics required for the eighth-grade exam. These include grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and listening skills.
How many students are in each group?
Each group has a maximum of twelve students. The limited number of participants allows the instructor to continuously monitor learning progress, ensuring a great atmosphere during classes. Live meetings enable the teacher to quickly clarify any doubts, answer questions, and go through the exam papers step by step with the students.
How much does the course cost?
The cost of the course depends on the chosen payment method. We offer attractive discounts on standard prices for upfront payments for a month, semester, or year.