English language

English for Kids - Let's Talk Conversations

199,00 PLN /per month

Classes: 1 - 7 primary school

Max. 10 students per group

The course takes place during the school year.

34 lessons in the course

Lessons last 60 minutes

Purpose of the course: conversation

Program developed by methodologists

Why will your child love this course?

Weekly online meetings are conducted live by qualified teachers, including native speakers. The main goal of the classes is for students to communicate freely in English. The course is designed for students in grades 1-7 of primary school. It offers a combination of exercises to develop speaking skills and understanding of the world's most popular language.

What skills do we practice?

Course participants develop communication skills in English. Through weekly meetings, they have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and learn the most important grammar topics.

icon.svgEnglish classes that are geared towards communication.

icon.svgDevelop conversational skills on any topic.

icon.svgExpanding vocabulary and learning key issues in grammar.

icon.svgUse of knowledge in English lessons in primary schools.

Specially prepared materials

All educational materials such as textbooks and e-books have been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of each course.


Still hesitating?

Check out the power of a trial lesson!

Ilustracja podkreśla nowoczesne metody edukacji w erze cyfrowej, oferując jakościowe i dostosowane do potrzeb użytkownika rozwiązania edukacyjne dostępne na naszej platformie.

What can I expext from a trial lesson?

Most of all, it's FREE!

t takes place without unnecessary paperwork and without obligation. Check the quality of lessons at home and make a risk-free decision. Regardless of age and location - you have access to up-to-date knowledge. Don't put off your dreams for later. Sign up!

Get a free trial lesson

The free trial lesson is 100% full-featured.

This means that it lasts as long as a standard course class. It contains substantive knowledge provided by a specialist in his field. Set your sights on development! Choose a convenient date, any course and join now.

Kolorowa i innowacyjna ilustracja, która odzwierciedla najnowsze trendy w projektowaniu graficznym. Wykonana z dbałością o detale, stanowi idealne uzupełnienie treści na naszej stronie, przyciągając uwagę użytkowników i zwiększając zaangażowanie.


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Student and teacher, the perfect duo in the Tutore world

Our team of qualified tutors is committed to maximizing the needs and expectations of every student. We strive to make classes not only effective, but also interesting, interactive and fun.

Grupowe Uczeń i nauczyciel idealny duet XL.jpg


Who is the course aimed at?
The course is aimed at kids who are focused on improving theirs speaking skills and broadening their vocabulary.
How frequent are the lessons on English for kids - Let's Talk Conversations course?
Classes are held once a week according to the schedule. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes. The course is conducted in real time by a qualified teacher prepared to work with children and young people.
How do English classes work for children and teenagers?
During the classes, children and teenagers learn new vocabulary, grammatical rules and relationships between tenses. Illustrated English phrasebooks are used as part of the program. Children also have the opportunity to practice the most popular phrases, while expanding their vocabulary and learning how to use the relevant grammatical tenses in practice.
How much does a course cost?
The cost of the course depends on the choice of payment method. When paying for a given period in advance - month, semester or year, we offer favorable discounts from standard prices.