Polish language

Polish matura exam at basic level

359,00 PLN /per month

For students in grades 4-5 of secondary school

Max. of 12 students per group

Course runs during the school year

90-minute lessons

Course goal: exam preparation

Program developed by educational methodologists

Why Will Your Child Love This Course?

The Polish course for Matura exam preparation is designed for high school seniors preparing for the basic level Matura exam in Polish. In these classes, we cover material in line with the curriculum to ensure students are thoroughly prepared for their final high school exam. Tasks completed during the classes follow the guidelines of the Central Examination Commission.

Students will learn everything needed for the Polish Matura exam. They will go through and discuss required readings together, gaining a deep understanding of the historical context. They will also learn all the necessary grammar topics. Together with the teacher, they will review all the key concepts needed for the Polish Matura exam, ensuring comprehensive preparation.

What Skills Do We Practice?

We learn to analyze cultural texts. We practice tasks required for the Matura exam. We review the most important topics related to orthography. We discuss the required readings together.

icon.svgSystematization and expansion of knowledge in Polish.

icon.svgCatch up on missed material - it's never too late with us!

icon.svgGreater chances of continuing education at your chosen university.

icon.svgLearn exam techniques - nothing will surprise you!

Specially developed textbook

A textbook prepared with student's needs in mind, supporting the learning process and providing support for independent work.


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Ilustracja podkreśla nowoczesne metody edukacji w erze cyfrowej, oferując jakościowe i dostosowane do potrzeb użytkownika rozwiązania edukacyjne dostępne na naszej platformie.

What can I expext from a trial lesson?

Most of all, it's FREE

It takes place without unnecessary paperwork and without obligation. Check the quality of lessons at home and make a risk-free decision. Regardless of age and location - you have access to up-to-date knowledge. Don't put off your dreams for later. Sign up!

Get a free trial lesson

The free trial lesson is 100% full-featured.

This means that it lasts as long as a standard course class. It contains substantive knowledge provided by a specialist in his field. Set your sights on development! Choose a convenient date, any course and join now.

Kolorowa i innowacyjna ilustracja, która odzwierciedla najnowsze trendy w projektowaniu graficznym. Wykonana z dbałością o detale, stanowi idealne uzupełnienie treści na naszej stronie, przyciągając uwagę użytkowników i zwiększając zaangażowanie.


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Student and teacher, the perfect duo in the Tutore world

Our team of qualified tutors is committed to maximizing the needs and expectations of every student. We strive to make classes not only effective, but also interesting, interactive and fun.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What readings will be discussed in the course?
In the course, we will discuss all the readings required for the basic Matura exam. However, reading them at home remains the student's responsibility.
Is the online Polish course suitable for every student?
Yes, the course aimed at helping students pass the eighth-grade exam is for all students who want to achieve the maximum number of points and get into a good high school. During the classes, students use actual exam papers and discuss the answers to each question.
What are the Polish classes like for future primary school graduates?
Weekly lessons provide students with an opportunity to catch up on missed material. During the classes, exam papers are used, which help in learning the material and allow students to become familiar with technical issues that are best not addressed during the actual final exams.
What materials will be useful for the classes?
You will need a pen and a notebook for taking notes during the classes.