
Programming on-site

199,00 PLN /per month

For Students: In grades 
     3-8 of primary school

Max. 15 students per group

Course runs during the school year

Lessons last 45 minutes

34  lessons in the course

Course goal: Practical 
     knowledge in programming

Why Will Your Child Love This Course?

Learning programming with Minecraft for children and teenagers, led by the best teachers. The course covers the Scratch programming language and Java in practice using the Minecraft: Education Edition platform. Focus on developing your child's spatial intelligence and analytical thinking.

What Skills Do We Practice?

The Programming with Minecraft course is an excellent first step into the world of programming. During the classes, we focus on developing all aspects of a good programmer, including logical thinking, creativity, and understanding cause-and-effect processes. We also promote teamwork, emphasizing communication and collaboration in the classroom. Throughout the course, we cover the most important programming constructs, moving from basics to advanced projects. The Programming with Minecraft course is not only about learning but also an exciting journey into the world of coding, shaping key skills for the ever-evolving world.

icon.svgThe first step towards a future career as a programmer.

icon.svgDevelopment of imagination and creativity.

icon.svgLearning programming in Minecraft: Education Edition, a platform children know and love.

icon.svgDevelopment of logical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Specially developed textbook

A textbook prepared with student's needs in mind, supporting the learning process and providing support for independent work.


Still hesitating?

Check out the power of a trial lesson!

Ilustracja podkreśla nowoczesne metody edukacji w erze cyfrowej, oferując jakościowe i dostosowane do potrzeb użytkownika rozwiązania edukacyjne dostępne na naszej platformie.

What can I expext from a trial lesson?

Most of all, it's FREE

It takes place without unnecessary paperwork and without obligation. Check the quality of lessons at home and make a risk-free decision. Regardless of age and location - you have access to up-to-date knowledge. Don't put off your dreams for later. Sign up!

Get a free trial lesson

The free trial lesson is 100% full-featured.

This means that it lasts as long as a standard course class. It contains substantive knowledge provided by a specialist in his field. Set your sights on development! Choose a convenient date, any course and join now.

Kolorowa i innowacyjna ilustracja, która odzwierciedla najnowsze trendy w projektowaniu graficznym. Wykonana z dbałością o detale, stanowi idealne uzupełnienie treści na naszej stronie, przyciągając uwagę użytkowników i zwiększając zaangażowanie.


of Clients are satisfied with our teachers


of Clients are satisfied with educational materials


of Clients are satisfied with the educational platform


of Clients would recommend our services

Student and teacher, the perfect duo in the Tutore world

Our team of qualified tutors is committed to maximizing the needs and expectations of every student. We strive to make classes not only effective, but also interesting, interactive and fun.

Uczeń i nauczyciel idealny duet XL.jpg

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Programming with Minecraft course suitable for every child?
The Programming with Minecraft lessons are designed for children and teenagers in grades 3-8 of primary school. The course is ideal for children starting their journey into computer science. The curriculum is based on several years of experience gathered by the course authors. During the classes, students learn basic programming concepts and apply their knowledge in practice by creating their own computer game world.
How often are the Programming with Minecraft classes held?
Classes are held once a week according to a set schedule and last for 45 minutes.
What are the Programming with Minecraft classes like?
During the classes, students learn programming in an accessible way. The presented topics provide valuable knowledge that they can use in the future job market. The classes offer an opportunity for weekly meetings, inspiration, and the creation of their own virtual world based on Minecraft.
How much does the Programming with Minecraft course cost?
The cost of the course depends on the chosen payment method. We offer attractive discounts on standard prices for upfront payments for a month, semester, or year.